On May 19th, Malcolm X birthday, the National Assembly for Black Liberation was held at North Carolina Central University in Durham, NC.
"Ignorance of each other is what has made unity impossible in the past. Therefore we need enlightenment. We need more light about each other. Light creates understanding, understanding creates love, love creates patience, and patience creates unity. Once we have more knowledge (light) about each other, we will stop condemning each other and a United front will be brought about." ~Malcolm X


Muslims for Social Justice COMMUNITY MEETING
Plans to organize Black, Brown, Muslim Educational Sessions (anti-racism, anti-Islamophobia, immigrant/refugee rights assembly) are underway this summer at Fruit of Labor World Cultural Center in Raleigh. BWFJ members will be participating in these sessions.. Other partners may include I am We Prison Prison Abolition, Education Justice Alliance, and other local partners. Our goal is to connect frontline struggles for worker rights, immigrant/refugee rights,criminal injustice and other local struggles, led by Black, Brown, Muslim grassroots organizations.

Ida B Wells: the unsung heroine of the civil rights movement
Today, a simple marker on a street corner in Memphis, Tennessee commemorates the People’s Grocery lynching. In 1892 three black men, co-owners of a store giving white businesses a run for their money, were attacked, fought back and were arrested. They never stood trial. A white mob broke into the jail, dragged them away and lynched them.
The murders were grieved by their friend Ida B Wells, an African American teacher, journalist, civil rights pioneer and suffragist about whom it was once said: “She has plenty of nerve; she is as smart as a steel trap, and she has no sympathy with humbug.”
Wells was galvanised to count, investigate and report lynchings in America as no one had done before, hurling her 5ft frame into hostile territory with all the fearlessness of a war reporter. Read more here.

Black Power and Palestine Transnational Countries of Color by MICHAEL R. FISCHBACH
The 1967 Arab–Israeli War rocketed the question of Israel and Palestine onto the front pages of American newspapers. Black Power activists saw Palestinians as a kindred people of color, waging the same struggle for freedom and justice as themselves. Soon concerns over the Arab–Israeli conflict spread across mainstream black politics and into the heart of the civil rights movement itself. Black Power and Palestine uncovers why so many African Americans—notably Martin Luther King, Jr., Malcolm X, and Muhammad Ali, among others—came to support the Palestinians or felt the need to respond to those who did.