Reserve the Fruit of Labor World Cultural Center for your Special Event!

Do you need a space for your family, work, organizational, or community celebration? The Fruit of Labor World Cultural Center is the perfect beautiful venue for your special event. Contact us today for information about our very reasonable rates and availability. Call (919) 876-7187, (919) 231-2660 (leave a phone number, name, and a good time to call) or email

Current Events

Unless otherwise noted, all events are at the FOLWCC and will follow our Covid-19 safety protocols. These include optional mask-wearing and social distancing. Capacity for inside events is limited to 75 people.

Thursday, February 6; 6:00-7:00 PM; Black History Month Series: Lessons for Building our Liberation Movement; Our History – our story needs our family and community; FOLWCC Archival Project - view original movement notes, photos, videos and more from the 60’s, 70’s to the present; Contact Angaza Laughinghouse at (919) 876-7187 for more info.  Food and beverages; Free, but donations are accepted.

Thursday, February 6; 6:00-7:00 PM; Heritage for Health Culinary Program Series; presented by Eatwell Exchange at FOLWCC. This 12-week series includes both classroom and cooking instruction; February classes: 2/6, 2/13, 2/20, and 2/27 (classroom and cooking) taught by registered dietician, Jasmine Westbrooks; contact: for more info.

Thursday, February 13; 6:30-8:00 PM; Black History Month Series: Lessons for Building our Liberation Movement; Electoral Lessons and our Battlefield – brief film clips on the Tulsa, OK Massacre, 1898 Wilmington, NC Massacre, Roseville, FL Massacre, Malcolm X on the Ballot or the Bullet; discussion on lessons learned and why building united fronts is necessary; food and beverages; free, but donations accepted—call (919) 876-7187 to RSVP.

Thursday, February 13; 6:00-8:00 PM; Heritage for Health Culinary Program Series; presented by Eatwell Exchange at FOLWCC

Thursday, February 20; 6:00-8:00 PM; Heritage for Health Culinary Program Series; presented by Eatwell Exchange at FOLWCC 

Thursday, February 20; 6:30 PM; BWFJ Membership Assembly

Saturday, February 22; 6:00-9:00 PM; Social Justice Fundraiser and Black History Month Celebration with Music at FOLWC; Live music featuring the Retro Rhythm Section; $15 donation; Music, Food, Good News, and Fun; to RSVP attendance call Nathanette at (919) 876-7187 or email Brought to you by FOLWCC and Broken Wings Music Group. Tickets may be purchased in advance on or at the door—call (919) 876-7187 to RSVP.

Thursday, February 27; 6:30-8:00 PM; Black History Month Series: Lessons for Building our Liberation Movement; Black Worker’s Importance to US and Labor History and to Building our Power & Liberation Movement; film clips and discussion; food and beverages; free, but donations accepted—call (919) 876-7187 to RSVP.

Thursday, February 27; 6:00-8:00 PM; Heritage for Health Culinary Program Series; presented by Eatwell Exchange at FOLWCC 

Thursday, February 27; 6:30-8:00 PM; Black History Month Series: Lessons for Building our Liberation Movement; Building Power with our Organizations & Coalitions – Food and beverages; free, but donations accepted—call (919) 876-7187 to RSVP.