Climate March Rally on April 29th
Fruit of Labor Performs at Climate March Rally on 4/29/17
On Sat, April 29th, Fruit of Labor /GLAE members Nathanette Mayo, Rick Scott, Darrion Smith, Chris Macon and Angaza Sababu Laughinghouse shared their music. They also shared about the mission and campaigns by Black Workers for Justice and U.E. Local 150/NC PSW Union. They shared stores about the NC struggles against environmental injustice that predominantly targets people of color and the poor.
Fruit of Labor members raised slogans for "No Atlantic Coastal Pipeline" through eastern NC Black belt region/ native indigenous peoples land, No huge corporate hog Farms and waste lagoons, No fracking and No to Duke Power Company's coal ash dumping in the working class communities.
Here is a flier for an event by Democracy Now news show that featured music by Fruit of Labor Singing Ensemble.
Check out coverage of Climate March on 4/29/17 at Democracy Now in the link below.
Check out coverage of environmental racism in North Carolin by Democracy Now. This interview features the story of environmental racism in Eastern part of North Carolina. It also includes interview by environmental justice leader Naeema Muhammad, so is director of North Carolina Environmental Justice Network.