June 2015 Newsletter

June 2015

Fruit of Labor World Cultural Center Newsletter

produced by: Black Workers For Justice's Hip Hop 4 Justice edited by: Mari Caldwell-Robinson & Tiffany Debnam Contact Information: Address: 4200 Lake Ridge Rd, Raleigh NC 27604 (919) 231-2660 – Anytime (919) 876-7187 – Day email: fruitoflaborwcc@netscape.com website: www.fruitoflabor.org


Come Out To the . . .

Spoons of Justice Cook-Off


Fun!Food!Fellowship!Good News!Music!

and community discussion on " Black Lives Matter!" & "Raise up for $15/hr & union rights"

Sunday, June 14th, 2015

3pm – 6pm at the

Fruit of Labor World Cultural Center


4200 Lake Ridge Dr., Raleigh, NC Donation: $10; 2 for $15

Come out, taste great food and then YOU judge who’s the best cook in the Triangle!

Bring Family, Friends, Neighbors & Co-workers to celebrate Juneteenth with us! Guaranteed great fun, mouth-watering food, great music, good news and wonderful people!

“Sisters who can Stir & Brothers who can Burn”

are invited to create and enter your best dish in our Annual Spoons of Justice Cook-Off! YOU could take home the winner’s trophy this year! If it is advisable that the general public not share in your culinary creations, come out to judge the other entries!

Contact Nathanette at 919-876-7187 or 919-231-2660 or

e-mail: fruitoflaborwcc@netscape.com for more information and to request an entry form. ($10 registration fee)

This is a fundraiser to help bring youth and grassroots community activists to the Great Labor Art Exchange At the Rosa Parks Training/Education Center in Silver Springs ,MD .MCj02502210000[1]

Sponsored by: the Fruit of Labor Singing Ensemble and the Truth & Justice Cultural Commission

Annual National Labor Arts Conference...

to “Bring It on Home!”: The annual Great Labor Arts Exchange returns this year to the place where it all started, 10000 New Hampshire Avenue. Labor, social justice activists and community cultural workers will gather June 25-27 for a weekend of workshops, films, discussion groups, slam poetry, jam sessions and open mike at the ATU’s Rosa Parks/Tommy Douglas Training and Education Center – formerly the site of the National Labor College -- in Silver Spring, MD. In the words of a 2014 participant – “This TOTALLY ROCKED!”.

The Fruit of Labor Singing Ensemble and it's cultural center will receive the LABOR HERITAGE FOUNDATION'S "Joe Hill Annual National Labor Arts Conference to “Bring It on Home!”: The annual Great Labor Arts Exchange returns this year to the place where it all started, 10000 New Hampshire Avenue. Labor, social justice activists and community cultural workers will gather June 25-27 for a weekend of workshops, films, discussion groups, slam poetry, jam sessions and open mike at the ATU’s Rosa Parks/Tommy Douglas Training and Education Center – formerly the site of the National Labor College -- in Silver Spring, MD. In the words of a 2014 participant – “This TOTALLY ROCKED!”.

The Fruit of Labor Singing Ensemble and it's cultural center will receive the LABOR HERITAGE FOUNDATION'S "Joe Hill LIFE TIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD" for its 30 plus years of inspiring music, use of all forms of art/culture to teach,enlighten and engage workers/working people in labor/social justice activism. For more information and to register go to laborheritage.org and click on Great Labor Arts Exchange. LIFE TIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD" for its 30 plus years of inspiring music, use of all forms of art/culture to teach,enlighten and engage workers/working people in labor/social justice activism. For more information and to register go to laborheritage.org and click on Great Labor Arts Exchange.


Each year, the North Carolina Justice Center presents its Defenders of Justice Awards to honor individuals and organizations that have made significant contributions in the fight against poverty in four areas that reflect the scope of the Justice Center’s work – legislative advocacy, policy research and advocacy, litigation, and grassroots empowerment.

BWFJ's Linda Suggs & Angaza Sababu Laughinghouse joined over 300 hundred of our friends and supportersat the UNC-Chapel Hill Friday Center to honor some important fighters for Justice. Together this year we celebrated these incredible advocates for North Carolina: Rep. Susan Fisher, Sen. Gladys Robinson, the Center for Responsible Lending, Tom Vitaglione, The UNC Center for Civil Rights, Former Justice Bob Orr, and of course our own BWFJ's Ajamu and Rukiya Dillahunt. Click here to see pictures of the evening.

Cities raise Minimum Wage to $15/hr

There are those unengaged or cynical citizens who are of the opinion that our exercise of our fundamental human rights and constitutional democratic rights to freedom of assembly,free speech, political protest, rally,march , strike ,etc. has little or no impact on " altering the balance of power" held by the ruling 1% corporate class and elected political officiers and us as everyday working class people.

It is our belief as freedom fighters, human rights and social justice activists that these basic political actions mentioned above must be one of many tactics used to build rank & file grassroots "Peoples Organizations". These tactical actions through out history has always developed our working class leadership capacity and skills as well as begin to collectivelyeducate, engage and realize "peoples power" to resist, reform and fundamentally transform society. History has taught us that political organization with specific strategic goals and political programs have succeded in revolutions and fundamental changing societies and the world using this organized "Peoples Power" in tactical actions with strategic analysis and action plans.

Although the current "Black Lives Matter /End the War On Black America/ Anti-Police Repression " and the "Raise Up For $15/hr and Union Rights" have both strategic and tactical weaknesses and strengths, we can not deny that they have won the hearts and minds of millions of people who are "Fighting the Power" of the 1% as well as pushing these power structure to make concessions and reforms.

Check out the continued impact of "Peoples Power" below ....

LA becomes largest US city to increase minimum wage to $15 an hour --City follows Seattle and San Francisco in raising minimum wage to 15 by July 2020 | 19 May 2015 | Los Angeles became the largest US city to raise its minimum wage to 15 an hour on Tuesday, as a wage increase bill passed the city council by a vote of 14-1. It is now up to city attorney Mike Feuer to draft an ordinance to implement the new minimum wage requirements. The ordinance will then return to the council for a final vote before becoming law.

The growing "Black Lives Matter" and "Raise Up for $15 & Union Rights" are historic and critically important movement building trends today. These resisting movements and rebellions are being engaged by and led by mainly Black and Brown people ..... Its taking place in almost every state across the country by the most impacted, oppressed and dispossessed sections of the U.S. working class. Our peoples and class oppression during this capitalist economic crisis is be butressed with historic white supremacist super structure that has allowed the militarization of the police to keep both movements in check.

. Hence,our people and class are responding to both the "police state repressions"(police violence) and "workers economic repression"( denial of economic subsistence and workers human rights to organize). Again, we must support and engage in these important movements( despite weaknesses that we collectively and organizationally must correct) . There will be errors and mistakes on the way to building a better society and world......However, the first initial steps for developing "peoples power " and the apparent need for contending and transformative power is in the making ! We are the makers of history ! See you on one of these the battle fronts ! i

Union and Nonprofit Leaders: Labor Should Shift Its Focus to Organizing Black Workers - Working In These Times Asar : May 13 06:23AM -0400

Union and Nonprofit Leaders: Labor Should Shift Its Focus to Organizing Black Workers - Working In These Times

Rally against Police Repression and for community Safety ! See videos....

http://www.wral.com/news/state/video/14618076/ (I see you MRS. MAYO!!!) lol



_____________________________________________________________________________________ The Organization for Black Struggle The Movement for Black Lives: National Convening July 24-26th Cleveland, Ohio

#BlackSpring has begun in earnest around the world. In Baltimore, Chicago, Ferguson, Oakland, New York, Los Angeles, Cleveland, Charleston, and cities across the US & the globe, we continue to stand together to build a world where #BlackLivesMatter.

There is a need for a sustained and coordinated movement that can meet the collective challenge of organizing against state violence in Black communities. Black folks are coming together to create a powerful coalition against systemic racism in one of the most dynamic and organic movements that this country has seen in decades.

That’s why we’re excited to announce a space where we can build on our successes, sharpen our skills and chart a path for the road ahead.

Join us in Cleveland, Ohio July 24th-26th at the first ever national Movement for Black Lives convening. Build. Heal. Learn. Organize.

All Black lives are needed and welcome. Our tent is big. We are calling on everyone, because this space is yours too. We fight for black men AND women. This movement is yours if you are queer, trans or none of the above. If you are disabled. If you are formerly incarcerated or undocumented. If this is your first call to action or you are a movement elder. We need you.

What side of history will you be on?

PRE-REGISTER NOW.Location to be announced.


Brought to you by: Ferguson Action, Black Lives Matter, BYP100, Organization for Black Struggle, Ohio Student Association, Project South, Dream Defenders, Cleveland Action, Hands Up United, Southerners on New Ground, Million Hoodies and many more.

Malcolm X: Police brutality & mainstream media amenrael : May 16 04:38AM -0700

Check out this video on YouTube:

Malcolm x was on point for the past and in this present moment !


Asar Asar : May 15 02:51PM -0400

Check out this video on YouTube:

Malcolm x was on point for the past and in this present moment !


"Charlotte Mayer speaks on unjust murder of Black youth Johnathan Ferrell settlement"

Community SAFE coalition proposed reforms that the City of Charlotte passed as its vision back in January. It should not be long before SAFE passes our binding resolution. Will have to turn out in force when the city schedules the public hearing on it though.


Vision statement


-- Robert Dawkins SAFE Coalition NC State Organizer (704) 750-1424 Web link: www.inthesestreets.com/safe Email: safecoalitionnc@gmail.com Twitter: @SAFEcoalitionNC

SAFE Coalition NC is a grassroots community coalition working to build public trust and accountability in NC law enforcement. We believe that critical dialogue, citizen oversight and legislative action are required to design a safe, accountable, fair and equitable system of criminal justice in our state.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- article "NC Black Lives Matter Rally In Solidarity with Justice For Baltimore's Freddy Grey"

On INTERNATIONAL WORKERS DAY May 1st, 2015, Fruit of Labor Singing Ensemble, BWFJ, NC Public Service Workers Union-U.E. Local 150 members participated along with Youth and Hip Hop For Justice in a Solidarity Black Lives Matter rally against Police Violence/Misconduct. This recent action was in response to the continued unjust murder of Baltimore ,MD 's Freddy Grey who was unarmed and unjustly arrested. Please click on the cites below and read/see more......

http://www.wral.com/news/state/video/14618076/ (We see you MRS. MAYO!!!)



By the Numbers: The Ever Widening Racial Wealth Gap in the USA "S. E. Anderson" : May 17 12:44PM +0200

Median White Household Wealth Holdings in 2011: $111,146

Median Latino Household Wealth Holdings in 2011: $8,348

Median Black Household Wealth Holdings in 2011: $7,113

Percent of White Households with Home Ownership in 2011: 73

Percent of Latino Households with Home Ownership in 2011: 47

Percent of Black Households with Home Ownership in 2011: 45

Percent of Whites who have completed a 4-Year College Degree in 2011: 34

Percent of Blacks who have completed a 4-Year College Degree in 2011: 20

Percent of Latinos who have completed a 4-Year College Degree in 2011: 13

Ratio of Black College Grad Median Wealth to White College Grad Median Wealth: $1: $11.49

Ratio of Latino College Grad Median Wealth to White College Grad Median Wealth: $1: $13.33

Median White Household Income in 2011: $50,400

Median Latino Household Income in 2011: $36,840

Median Black Household Income in 2011: $32,028


The Racial Wealth Gap- Why Policy Matters

by Laura Sullivan, Tatjana Meschede,

Lars Dietrich, & Thomas Shapiro

institute for assets & social policy, brandeis university

Amy Traub, Catherine Ruetschlin & Tamara Draut


The Median Wealth of a Single White Women (36-49 years old): $42,600

The Median Wealth of a Single Black Women (36-49 years old): $5.00

All Black Workers 2012 weekly earnings: $606

(all races $765)

Black Men weekly earnings: $633

(White men $854)

Black Women weekly earnings: $590

(White women $712)


se anderson

author of The Black Holocaust for Beginners



If WORK was good for you, the rich would leave none for the poor. (Haiti)


2015 Calender of Events

June 2015  6th, Saturday; Hip Hop 4 Justice (HH4J) M.L.K. planning meeting– 11:00am  6th, Saturday: 9:30am – 10:45; Celebrate Men’s Health Month; Get moving with a T-25 & Boot Camp workout! Health info & healthy snacks!  14th, Sunday; Annual Juneteenth Celebration & 7th Annual Spoons of Justice Cook-Off; 3:30pm – 6:00pm; Calling all “Sisters who can Stir” & “Brothers who can Burn” to see who can claim this year’s coveted Cook-Off Champion Trophy! Enter your best dish and the people will judge who wins! If it is advisable that you not share your culinary skills with the general public; come out, taste dishes that are entered, be a judge & help pick this year’s winner! It’ll only cost you $10. 4-4-$30. E-mail us at the address above for a registration form & more information.

 26th -28th, Friday-Sunday; Great Labor Arts Exchange; Silver Springs, MD; Fruit of Labor Singing Ensemble performs and receives the Joe Hill Artist’s Award.

Copyright © 2015 Fruit of Labor, All rights reserved. You are receiving this email because you signed up at our website, fruitoflabor.org

Our mailing address is: Fruit of Labor 4200 Lake Ridge Dr Raleigh, NC 27604
