April 2015 Newsletter

April 2015
Fruit of Labor World Cultural Center Newsletter

produced by: Black Workers For Justice's Hip Hop 4 Justice edited by: Mari Caldwell-Robinson & Tiffany Debnam Contact Information: Address: 4200 Lake Ridge Rd, Raleigh NC 27604 (919) 231-2660 – Anytime (919) 876-7187 – Day email: fruitoflaborwcc@netscape.com

/ FOLWCC Tribute 3pm Sunday May 17th,2015

"Malcolm X aka El Hajj Malik El Shabazz born May 19,1925 into the Black Working Class ...He was a product of the African -American social/ economic /cultural experience of white supremacy, racist Black national oppression  and capitalist exploitation......He was nutured with Black  pride and intellect by his self -educated parents and many of the political/cultural/social  influences of the 1950's & 60's......He grew into one of our peoples paramount visionaries and Human Rights  leaders.......the   U.S. Gov't 's FBI conspired and used divisions within Black organizations to neutralize and murder our beloved African-American Freedom Fighter"!

We must learn the lessons .....apply concrete theory......test theory in action....build ''transformative power" and empowering peoples organizations /institutions so that our people can "collectively" alter the present power relations that keep us oppressed and our foes empowered!

We must study ! Let's seek clarity about the historical and political meaning of Brother/Comrade Malcolm's life, and its importance for today's expression of national Black resistance to US imperialist state's repression represented in part by the state sanctioned police killings of mainly working-class and poor Black and Brown people.

Placing Malcolm's continuously evolving political perspective within the context of the world revolution of the 1950's & 60's involving nations and peoples struggling against oppression by white supremacist, colonial, imperialist and capitalist countries, their colonial states and ruling classes, points to the internationalism that was shaping the trend of "revolutionary nationalism" and an understanding of " U.S. domestic colonialism" promoted by Malcolm. Malcolm  said    "....if you don't understand what's happening ( to Black African People ) in the Congo,....then you don't understand  what's happening ( to Black African-Americans) in Mississippi and the racist Jim Crow South..."

This internationalism enabled Malcolm to grow beyond a narrow cultural  nationalism that only saw white supremacy as the sole problem, instead of being an essential structural pillar and component for the development and growth of a global economic and social system that has now reached a stage where its contradictions and crises have become a threat to the majority of the peoples of the world and the planet.

The enslavement and historical oppression of Black African-Americans....our people inside of the US..... has been fundamental to the development of the US imperialist state, which is the leading force shaping the current direction, policies and global infrastructure of empire and endless war. We must see that this  has become the dominant expression of imperialism/global capitalism.

While Malcolm called for a national Black united front, he was also trying to unite and develop the revolutionary nationalist trend as a left pole within as well as  independent of the civil rights movement. This led to the development of "Black Power" as a first popular phase during the 1960s to give expression to a struggle for our peoples struggle for "self-determination". Within the context of this demand for Black Power, we began to see more clearly class contradictions emerge and why the struggle for African American self-determination needed a political action program that begins to define the economic, social and political character of the national liberation that our Black people are struggling for.

The call by the Black Left Unity Network (BLUN) for a national discussion and refinement of a Draft Manifesto for Black Liberation, and the holding of a National Assembly of the Black Liberation Movement, is a call to unite our Black progressives and our Black  left around a "strategic program of action" and process for rebuilding the national Black liberation movement inside of the US imperialist state around an anti-capitalist/imperialist/patriarchy/anti white supremacist program of action with links to the struggles in Africa, the African Diaspora, and other oppressed nations, peoples and classes throughout the world.

What are your thoughts for holding  such an Assembly of our people in the future that would  adopt a Manifesto For Black Liberation ? We certainly need a strategic vision and action plan ! Are you interested in doing a study of Malcolm's insights and the draft BLUN proposed Manesfesto ?

RSVP......by  this Saturday April 4th ( the day FBI's Co Intel Pro conspired to Neutralize Dr. M L King Jr.)

Our people must continue to  persist with developing both '' unity of thinking and unity of action"   as we build organization 's with "People's Power with Compassion" that seeks  justice.....justice through insightful study and  practical work to uplift our people and end racist and class oppression.


Come out to the 3pm Sunday May17th Malcolm X Tribute at the Fruit of Labor World Cultural Center

4200 Lake Ridge Dr. in Raleigh

Brother Angaza Sababu Laughinghouse

   32 Annual Martin Luther King Support for Labor Banquet 
It is my great pleasure to humbly announce that Black Workers for Justice has awarded  HH4J  youth activists Mari Caldwell-Robinson & Ajamu Jr. Holloway    the 2015 YOUTH Self Determination Award. They will be honored along with other NC activists at their 32 Annual Martin Luther King Support for Labor Banquet in Raleigh on Saturday April 11th. We hope you will bring co-workers, fellow students, family and friends to join in this great fun celebration at the banquet site" NC Assoc. of Educators Building " on 10 South Salisbury Street ( across from the Downtown Raleigh Civic Center/Raleigh Memorial Auditorium/Duke Energy Performance complex).
This year's theme is:

"From Ferguson to Oakland to North Carolina: Black Lives Matter*Stop the War on Black America"

The Keynote Speaker will be Alicia Garza, Co Founder of the Black Lives Matter Movement. I am hoping that all of you and your friends can make the trip to Raleigh to hear Ms. Garza and celebrate our HH4J youth awardees!  Tickets are $35 in advance if paid by April 5th. $45 at the door. 

Black Workers for Justice is a great organization that has worked for 34 years to organize, educate, mobilize and struggle for working peoples' power, justice, self-determination and human rights for African Americans, other oppressed nationalities, women and all working class people whether employed or unemployed, union workers or unorganized.

This event is their main fundraiser for the year and the funds are used to support their organizing efforts. If you can not make it to Raleigh on April 11th to celebrate with us. please consider making a $35 donation to support Black Workers for Justice continue to fight for justice and power to the people. Get tickets from Nathanette Mayo, Angaza Laughinghouse.

You can visit the BWFJ website to see all of the great organizing and work that this powerful and reputable organization has engaged in our broader community.


I hope to see you in Raleigh on April 11th.

Keep the Faith ! Stay the course for social justice and peoples power ! We need you !

Peace with Justice,

Brother Angaza Sababu Laughinghouse

Raise Up for 15 Banner
Building Black Electoral Power in Ferguson

223 days after August 9th, we continue to work through the collective pain and anger incited by the unjust murder of Mike Brown. We have been on the streets affirming that "Black Lives Matter" and demanding an end to discriminatory, militarized policing. As we look to the future of our struggle in the Saint Louis region we remain committed to unity as we work towards freedom.

The Organization for Black Struggle is excited to be collaborating with organizations such as Ground Level Support, MOREWorking Families, andMoveOn.org on the path to a new beginning in Ferguson, Missouri. 

City Council elections in Ferguson are less than a month away, and there is much to do. We're partnering with a coalition of organizers to begin changing the city that raised the #BlackLivesMatter movement to the national stage. By increasing Black Voter turn out in Ferguson, we hope that the Ferguson City Council becomes more reflective of the majority Black residents that call Ferguson home. 

We know that what happens next in Ferguson is an example of the type of change people throughout the United States want to see in their communities.

Will you support our efforts to make change happen?

Not Just Jackson, We Want Knowles! Ferguson's Mayor Has Got To Go!

The resignations of Ferguson Police Chief Thomas Jackson and City Manager John Shaw count as huge victories for the people of Ferguson and those of us in the struggle for justice. But our fight doesn't end here! OBS is excited to be supporting Ferguson residents in the effort to recall Mayor Knowles for his failure to adequately reign in an out of control police force during the protests following the murder of Mike Brown. In the next 60 days we will be supporting efforts to gather 4,000 signatures in Ferguson in order for the recall to qualify to a ballot. Keep your eye out for updates on actions to put the pressure on Mayor Knowles to resign in the coming days! Read more here. And to find out how to plug in contact: christine@obs-stl.org

Building Grassroots Power at the People's Movement Assembly

The first meeting of the Peoples Movement assembly was awesome! But we are just getting started!  Be sure to join us next month and help us build power from the bottom up! For more info on the PMA's, contact: aaron@obs-stl.org

Next Revolution Fellowship Program 
Is Great Success!!
The Next Revolution Fellowship Program is a transformative experience that utilizes social justice training, history, culture, popular education, classroom exercises and counseling to cultivate leadership and community organizing skills.

Thanks to a generous grant from the Deaconess Foundation, a total of 15 participants were selected based on age (16-26 years old), past activism, protest related activities and a desire to attain the skillsets of masterful community organizing. Read more about the program here. Or contact,kofi@obs-stl.org for more info. 

OBS is a grassroots organization powered by your continued support. We depend on you to keep the movement going.
Have you picked up you OBS teeshirt or hoodie, yet? No worries. You still have time. All proceeds help fuel our ongoing work! 
We are always looking for new members and volunteers to help build this movement. Click here to join us in the fight.



Looks like the "left wing" of the Democratic Party is trying to build its base for the 2016 presidential election. Possibly an initiative to position Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders who has always ran as an 'independent" as a candidate in the Democratic primaries. Their aim  will be aligning the wider progressive and left forces with the Democratic Party as was done in 2008 with Obama.

Looks like they are trying to incorporate a number of popular movements like climate justice, Black Lives Matter, fast food workers raise up for $15, a section of the women's movement and remnants of the occupy wall street among others.The progressive caucus is a caucus within the Democratic Party Caucus. www.discoverthenetworks.org/printgroupProfile.asp?grpid=6497

By incorporating Black Lves Matter, this initiative would attempt to connect a popular slogan for Black Liberation to their agenda and program of the Democratic Party. By liquidating our peoples right of self-determination by their incorporating it, this section of the Democratic Party will be defining Black political demands and strategic direction.

A popular national discussion by all Black people  of the proposed "Draft Manifesto for Black Liberation" initiated by the Black Left Unity Network (BLUN)  is NOW all the more important in establishing an independent Black political mandate for our people. A political program is needed to help to guide the social movements and mass peoples' organizations in fighting around our  "peoples concrete demands on the ground" from a perspective of building "our own contending and transformative power" against  the racist capitalist control of government, social institutions and the economy no matter who is elected in 2016 elections.

On the question of "repressive police state violence" that has given Black Lives Matter a platform, there needs to be a concrete political and social movement program that places our  peoples demands on the government, state and forces of capital for " community control " with disciplinary power and demilitarization of the police, a Human Right  trial of the U.S. before the International Criminal Court and for reparations in violation of international human rights.

The Million Peoples March Against Police Brutality, Racial Injustice and Economic Inequalities being sponsored by POP in Newark, NJ for July 2015, could be a time where such a program and alignment of forces can begin to be developed.

As we are seeing, the slogan Black Lives Matter, while drawing important attention to the government's/ state's attacks on Black people; is also being promoted by liberal and opportunist forces to reshape its meaning away from building a powerful national and internationalist anti-capitalist/imperialist/patriarchy movement for contending and transformative power as a struggle for self-determination and Black liberation.

Let's get a community speakout  and  forum organized to study the article by I.J. Poole below "A Platform for the People and Planet", so our community can assess these developments and talk about it !

"A Platform for People and the Planet"

Isaiah J. Poole March 20, 2015 Campaign for America's Future

The Populism 2015 platform is a set of principles; the Progressive Caucus budget shows how those principles can be translated into government policy.

A new progressive platform for “Building a Movement for People and the Planet” was published this week by the Campaign for America’s Future and National People’s Action. That platform lays out 12 key planks of a progressive agenda that the two organizations expect to become the foundation of independent progressive political organizing over the next two years.

This platform is the backbone of the “Populism 2015″ conference in Washington April 18-20 that CAF is co-sponsoring with National People’s Action, USAction and Alliance for a Just Society. (Go to Populism2015.org to see the complete platform, learn more about the conference and register.)

The release of the platform coincides this week’s release of the Congressional Progressive Caucus “People’s Budget” and a drive to sign up tens of thousands of citizen co-sponsors in advance of a budget vote expected between Tuesday and Thursday. (Read our analyses and sign the co-sponsor petition on our People’s Budget page. For a comparison of the People’s Budget to alternatives from House and Senate Republicans and the Obama administration, see this chart by the National Priorities Project.)

A comparison of the planks in the Populism 2015 platform with the proposals in the Progressive Caucus budget reveals strong parallels that allow both to be used synergistically in the upcoming political debate over America’s economic and political direction. The Populism 2015 platform is a set of principles; the Progressive Caucus budget shows how those principles can be translated into government policy.

The 12 planks in the “Building a Movement for People and the Planet” platform are:

Rebuild America for the 21st C
